30 December 2011



The aim of education is to bring about desired changes in the learner. Changes are taking place in an individual due to learning and also due to the natural growth and development. Development of proper attitudes, habits and patterns of behaviour formed during the early years determines to a great extent how successfully an individual adjust himself as he grows older.  Since the task of the teacher is to bring about desirable changes in the growing child, knowledge about growth and development is outmost important.
Change is the law of nature. Animate or inanimate objects are all subject to change. Seeds, after germinating in the soil grow as saplings and then as specific plants and trees which in turn flower and produce seeds or fruits for further germination. Similar in the case with birds, animals and human beings who can produce their own kind by the transmission of specific characteristics of the species through sexual union.
In all animals, including human beings, the pre-natal period resembles the time taken by a germinating seed to come out of the soil, which then grows and develops into a full-fledged plant or tree. The process by which a germinating seed or conceived organism is turned into the mature plant or full-fledged being are collectively termed growth and development.
The process of growth and development and are the medium and means for bringing about changes in the organism. In general, growth and development refers to the changes produced by the interaction produced by one’s genetic and environmental factors as well as to the changes in the physical, mental, social, emotional and  moral aspects involving one’s individuality.

The terms growth and development are often used interchangably and regarded as synonymous. Growth is sheer increase in size, height, weight, power etc. It refers to the dimensional augmentation, cellular multiplication, or quantitative changes in size, weight and number. The process of gradual increase of an individual or animal or a seed, germ or root to its full size or  maturity is called growth. According to Crow and Crow ‘growth refers to structural and physiological changes while development refers to growth as well as change in behaviour’.
The term development refers to change in structure, form or shape and improvement in functioning.  It does not consist merely of adding inches to one’s height or improving one’s ability, but it is a complex process of integrating many structures and functions. In the words of Hurlock, the term development means a progressive series of changes that occur in an orderly predictable pattern as a result of maturation and experience.
Growth and development are correlated because both occur together.  Growth takes place when a child grows taller, his bones, muscles and other parts of the body increase in size. As the child grows his mind and body mature and he is able to function at a higher level.
For example; as a child grows in age, the size of his fingers increases in length and in thickness. This is considered as growth. Along with this growth the ability of the child to use his fingers with ease, speed and precision for various purpose also may increase. This change can be considered as development.
1.     Growth is a complex process
2.     Growth follows a definite sequence or pattern
3.     Growth proceeds more rapidly in the early years of life
4.     Rate of growth is not uniform in different stages and parts
5.     Growth is not a continuous process. It stops with maturity
6.     Growth is cumulative in nature
7.     Growth is influenced by heredity and environment
8.     The tempo or speed of growth is not even
9.     There is marked individual difference in growth
10. The rate and pattern of growth can be modified by conditions internal and external to the body
1.     Development is the result of maturation and learning
2.     Development follows a definite and predictable pattern
3.     Each period of development involves certain hazards
4.     Certain characteristic traits are associated with each phase of development
5.     Development is not uniform in al  individuals
6.     Development depends on both heredity and environment
7.     Development is gradual and it takes time
          Right from conception, the beginning of life in a mother’s womb, the growth and development of human beings is influenced by a variety of factors categorized broadly as internal and external.  They are mentioned below:
Internal Factors:
All those factors which lie within the individual are called internal factors. These includes 1. Heredity      2. Biological or constitutional   3. Intelligence       4. Emotional factors and 5. Social factors.
1.     Heredity factors:
Heredity is  the process of transmitting biological traits from parent to offspring through genes, the basic units of heredity. Heredity also refers to the inherited characteristics of an individual, including traits such as height, eye color, and blood type.
Heredity factors play their part at the time of conception in the mothers womb. What is transferred to the offspring from its immediate parents in the form of genes and chromosomes at this time, constitute the hereditary contribution. This contribution is the real starting point and basis for all the growth and development that takes place later in the life of the child. The height, weight, colour of the eyes and skin, characteristics of the hair, are all decided by these hereditary influences.
 The physical structure, nervous system and other things related one’s constitutional make-up, body chemistry and physical development are to a great extent decided by hereditary factors. If the hereditary contributions are satisfactory, then with minimum efforts, we get satisfactory results, otherwise we have to make tremendous efforts for achieving desired results or success in terms of child’s satisfactory growth and development.  
2.     Biological and Constitutional Factors:
A child’s constitutional make-up, somatic or physical structure, body chemistry etc. influence his growth and development throughout his life.
·        A child who is physically week or have internal deformities cannot achieve normal physical and mental growth and development.
·        The nervous system which controls the body movement, affects the growth and development of a child in cognitive spheres.
·        The endocrine or ductless glands or hormones  have important role in growth and development.  In case there is over activity (hyperactivity) or under activity (hypoactivity) of these glands, it results in serious abnormality in growth and development.
·        Defective constitutional make-up like ugly face, short stature and any other deformity of the body may give birth to feelings of inferiority and he may face adjustment problems in the social environment.

3.     Intelligence :
         Intelligence is considered as a major factor influencing development. Children of high intelligence develop in many aspects faster than that  of low intelligence. Even the body movement and behaviour are regulated by his level of intelligence. It affect his social behaviour, moral adjustment and emotional growth.  The physical, social, emotional, moral and language development of a child is greatly influenced and controlled by the level of his intelligence.
4.     Emotional factors:
          Emotional maturity and adjustability play a vital role in influencing a person’s overall growth and development. A child who is found to be overwhelmed by negative emotions like fear, anger, jealousy, etc. is adversely affected in  his physical, mental, social, moral and language development. If a person cannot exercise a reasonable control over his emotions, he has to suffer in his terms of growth and development. He may find himself  a failure in doing some serious mental activity.
5.     Social Nature:
         A person’s socialization helps him in achieving adjustment and advancement in other aspects of his growth and development. He may learn from his environment, by means of his social nature, which may prove to be a boon to him for his proper growth and development.
External Factors:
The factors lying outside individual in his environment are collectively called the external factors influencing growth and development. These factors begin their role immediately after a baby is conceived.   They are as follows:

A.    Environment in the womb of mother:
   What is available to the child for his nourishment in its mother’s womb from the time of conception till his birth is quite important from the angle of his growth and development. A few factors are cited below as examples.
*     The physical and mental health of the mother during pregnancy
*     Single child or multiple children getting nourished in the womb
*     Quality and quantity of nutrition received by the embryo
*     Normal and abnormal delivery
*     Any damage or accident to the baby in the womb
B.    Environment available after birth:
          Whether a child gets from different conditions and forces of his environment after his birth influence his growth and development in many ways. These are described as follows:
a)     Accidents and incidents of life:   The growth and development of an individual is greatly influenced by the good and bad incidents and accidents happens in his life time. For example, if a child’s nervous system is damaged in an accident, it will hamper his mental development and in turn it will affect his development in other spheres also.
b)     The Quality of physical environment, medical care and nourishment:  A childes growth and development is greatly influenced by the quality of physical environment and medical care and nourishment available to him for his living and working. These include open space, balanced diet, proper medical care etc.
c)     The Quality of the facilities and opportunities provided by the social and cultural forces:  What a child gets from his social and cultural environment influences the entire course of his development. A few are mentioned below:
*     Parental and family care received by a child
*     Economic and social status of the parents and family
*     The quality of schooling received by  a child
*     The quality of peer group relationships of the child
*     The quality of neighbourhood and surrounding environment 


1. Growth is quantitative
Development is qualitative
2. Growth is Structural
Development is functional
3. Growth is observable and measurable
Development is not observable and measurable
4. Growth is physical and external in nature
Development is internal and can be physical, social, emotional, moral, intellectual etc.
5. Growth is not a continues process. It stops with the attainment of maturity
Development is a continues process. It does not end with maturity
6. Growth may or may not bring development
Development is possible without growth

7. Growth refers to changes in the particular aspects of body
Development refers to over all changes resulting in improved functioning of the individual
8. growth does not depend upon maturation and learning
Development depends upon maturation and learning


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