21 March 2012


Media Selection Factors:
*    Media is the mode of message communication.
*    It enables the learner to acquire knowledge
*    Communication of the content is considered as the most important factor in the teaching-learning process.
*    Selection of the most appropriate media is very essential to achieve the desired goals.
*    The selected media should be closely related to the selected instructional method.
·        Elements of Media Selection:
Instructional Objectives, Nature of the subject matter, Nature of the child, Classroom environment, etc.

Factors Affecting Media Effectiveness:

     1.  Task Factor:
       A task is a work or an assigned duty for implementation.
       Here the kind of task and type of learner is very important.
       Elements of Task Factor:
a.     Organisation of the groups:- select the media according to the size and capacity of the groups. A motion picture is enough for a large group audience.
Individualized instructions such as Linear Programming, Branching, Keller Plan, etc. are enough for a single group.
b.     Utilisation of time:- the media must be suit with available time, neither exceed nor too short. A one hour TV program is not suit for a 40 minutes of normal classroom.
c.      Use of space:-  arrange enough space for the select media. Ensure that adequate infrastructural facilities are provided.
Steps to overcome the problems regarding task factor:
i)                   Preliminary selection is made on Factual information, visual identification, pronunciation, etc
ii)                Check the constraints related to hardware, software, etc.
iii)              Check the instructional requirements including participation, practice, sound, motion, colour, etc.

         2.     Learner Factor:
§  Learner is the most important aspect in the teaching-learning process.
§  Main objective of learning process is to bring positive changes in the learner.
§  Learner’s individual differences are very important, so select the learning strategy according to their intellectual differences.
§  Selected media should be meet the objectives belonging to the three domains – Cognitive, Affective & Psychomotor.

         3.  Instructional Management Factor:
ü Management of instruction should cope with the selected media is important
ü Different objectives are achieved in different ways, such as-
Independent Learning, Interactive Learning, Co-operative Learning, Formal Classroom Teaching, etc.
ü It is the choice of the teacher to select the most appropriate teaching strategy
ü There are two types of Approaches:
1.     Expository Approach:-  if the media is used mostly for formal presentation of information under the control of the teacher, it is called Expository Approach. Film Strips, Motion Pictures, OHP, etc. are examples.
2.     Enquiry Approach:-  if the information would be processed by the students who would be guided by posing questions raising issues for which solutions have to be arrived at, is called Enquiry Approach.  Example: Project Method

4.  Economic Factor:
*    Select media according to its appropriateness, level of sophistication, cost effectiveness, technical quality, etc.
*    Cost should be compared with the anticipated benefits
*    Cost benefit analysis is necessary
Steps in Cost benefit Analysis:
a.     Select and list all the available media
b.     Shortlist them for instructional effects
c.      Check availability of each media
d.     Select the simplest and least expensive media

5. Technical Factor:
Ø Ensuring technical quality is essential to avoid ineffectiveness and poor quality media
Ø Never use any poor quality media in the classroom. It will leads misunderstanding
Ø Teacher should have sufficient technical knowledge and well experienced in using modern devices
Ø Ensure infrastructural arrangements also
         6. Administrative Factor:
v It is the management functions of any system
Elements of Administration:
                                                             i.      Organisation of Group : provide materials for the type groups, such as Single Group, Small Group and Large Group
                                                           ii.      Allocation of Space: here consider the duration of the given program and arrange adequate seating facilities
                                                        iii.      Allocation of Time: time should be suitable to meet the desired tasks

*    The media should permit the learner ample opportunities for active participation in the learning process.
*    It should be capable of transmitting the desired information
*    It should  stimulate the thinking the process of the learner
*    It should be arouse the curiosity of the learner
*    It should inculcate  creativity and develop desired skills

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