21 March 2012


1.     What is instructional media?
2.     What are the major factors of media selection?
3.     What are the different types of communication networks?
4.     Differentiate between LAN and Wan.
5.     Write a note on-line teaching? What are its benefits?
6.     What is internet? How is it useful in education?
7.     What do you mean by Multimedia technology?
8.     What is Multi Image Technology?
9.     Write a note on multisensory approach.
10.                        What are the principles of project method?
11.                        What do you know about Projective techniques? What are the advantages of OHP?
12.                        What do you mean by Secondary Storage ? Give examples.
13.                        What is  a computer virus? What is Anti virus software? Give examples.
14.                        What are the different types of computer languages?
15.                        Distinguish between machine language and programming language.
16.                        What is a computer ? Write a note on types of computers? What are its major parts?
17.                        What are characteristics of modern computer?
18.                        What is an operating system? Give examples.
19.                        What do you know about hardware and software?
20.                        Differentiate between application software and system software. Give examples.
21.                        Write a note on computer networks.
22.                        What are the major output and input units of a modern computer?
23.                        Explain computer generations and its features.
24.                        Dine knowledge. Differentiate between Data and Information.
25.                        What is a language laboratory? Explain its components and functions.
26.                        What is animation? How animation differ from graphics.
27.                        Define communication. Draw a communication cycle and explain the major factors and barriers of classroom communication.
28.                        What are the various sources of information? Give examples each.
29.                        Explain the impact of IT in education.
30.                        What is a microprocessor? What is its influence in information and communication?
31.                        What is INDONET?
32.                        Write a note on NIC and NICNET? What are its functions?
33.                        Write a note on IT Act 2000.
34.                        What is IT@School project. What are its aims?
35.                        Write a note on Akshaya Project. What are its services?
36.                        What do you know about e-governance?
37.                        What is Current Awareness Service (CAS)?.
38.                        What do you mean by SDI? What are its characteristics?
39.                        Differentiate between CAS and SDI.
40.                        What is reprography? What are the different types of reprographic techniques?
41.                        How will you arrange reprographic services in your school/ library?
42.                        What are microforms?. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
43.                        What is internet? What are the educational benefits of internet?
44.                        What do you mean be distance education? What is the role of internet in distance education?
45.                        What is WWW and HTTP?
46.                        What is a web browser and a web server? Give example.
47.                        What is a search engine? Give examples? What are its functions?
48.                        What is E-mail? How will you create an e-mail account through hotmail?
49.                        What is CCTV? What are its advantages in education/
50.                        What do you know about educational broadcasting? Examine the role of radio in education.
51.                        What is the role of teacher in educational broadcasting? How will you arrange a radio lesson in classroom teaching?
52.                        What are the merits and demerits of educational broadcasting?
53.                        Write a note on Instructional Television. What are its advantages?
54.                        Write a note ERNET.
55.                        Describe the role of games and computer simulations in teaching and learning.
56.                        What are the health hazards of using computers?
57.                        What is a word processor? How will you save a word document? How will in you insert a table in word document?
58.                        What is a spreadsheet? What are the educational uses of a spreadsheet?
59.                        What is a presentation software? How will you prepare a power point presentation using Microsoft Power point?
60.                        What do you mean by communication satellite? What are its educational role in education?
61.                        What is EDUSA? What are its educational implications?
62.                        Differentiate between SITE and SIET. What are its functions?
63.                        Write a note on INSAT. What is the role of INSAT in education?
64.                        What is interactive multimedia and interactive video?
65.                        Differentiate between tele text and video text.
66.                        Explain the role of teacher media arrangement.
67.                         Explain the role UFGC in educational telecast.
68.                        What are the steps in an educational video production?
69.                        What are the uses of computers in classroom teaching?
70.                        What are the uses of ICT in  various stages of education?

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