11 August 2014


The word pedagogy comes from the Greek word paidagogeo, [Latin paedagogia] in  which   paidos means "child" and  agogos means "lead"; so it literally means "to lead the child“ or “to guide the child
In Ancient Greece, a slave –paidagogos- was assigned to a wealthy master’s son, to take him to school, supervise him while in school, and carrying his equipment such as musical instruments, etc.
Pedagogy refers to educational schools of thought or philosophies regarding how people learn and how teachers should assist in that learning.
Pedagogy  is the science and art of education. 
It  is the study of being a teacher.
The term generally refers to strategies of instruction, or a style of instruction.
According to Webster’s dictionary pedagogy means the art or profession of teaching”. 
In terms of teacher training, it means the art or science of being a teacher, which includes the style and strategies of the teacher’s instruction.
The word pedagogue means, teacher, schoolmaster, educator, educationalist, etc.
Especially one who is strict, stiff or old-fashioned,  who stands in the front of the room and lectures for the entire class period.

Pedagogic Analysis means the logical and systematical breaking up of the curriculum from the point of view of a pedagogue for the purpose of its effective transaction.

Objectives of Pedagogic Analysis:    
*    To analyze the curricular content into meaningful components
*    To anticipate comprehensive instructional objectives for each component
*    To identify the pre-requisites in the curricular area
*    To design appropriate objective based learning experiences for different stages and contents
*    To anticipate strategies for continuous and comprehensive evaluation

Advantages of Pedagogic Analysis:    
*    Teacher can take steps to motivate students
*    It helps the teacher to adopt learner centered instruction
*    It makes the instructional programme more systematic and content appropriate
*    It helps the teacher to design a plan of action to for immediate feedback, diagnosis and remediation
*    It helps the teacher to implement proper evaluation procedure

Pedagogy of the Oppressed  is the most widely known of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire's works published in 1968. In this book he proposes a  pedagogy  with a new relationship between teacher, student, and society.
This book is a critique of a certain educational method known as the 'banking' method” and  is considered one of the foundational texts of  Critical Pedagogy

What is Critical Pedagogy?
Critical pedagogy is a teaching approach which attempts to help students question and challenge domination, and the beliefs and practices that dominate them. It tries to help students become critically conscious.
Critical pedagogy is a  philosophy of education described by Henry Giroux and other scholars as an "educational movement, guided by passion and principle, to help students develop  consciousness of freedom, recognize authoritarian tendencies, and connect knowledge to power and the ability to take constructive action.
Critical Pedagogy is a form of education in which students are encouraged to question dominant or common notions of meaning and form their own understanding of what they learn.
One of the central ideas of this teaching method is that students are able to build their own meaning when learning and teachers should facilitate that process rather than “force” meaning upon the students.

Major Concepts :
Problem-posing education is a term coined by  Paulo Freire in his  book Pedagogy of the Oppressed.
It to a method of teaching that emphasizes critical thinking for the purpose of liberation.
Freire used problem-posing as the alternative to Banking Education, which is the traditional model of education.
Banking Education is a form learning or teaching where the students act as banks, and teachers, as one who make deposits. Instead of money  it is information  is being deposited into students. The teacher passes his information through lectures, homework, etc. and lists of items to be memorized to the students. The information is expected to be stored in the brain until he  is asked to be recalled it , such as on an exam.
This concept of education is not beneficial to the growth of true knowledge where one discovers on his  own ideas with others.  The banking system dehumanizes students and makes them more like robots; problem posing education is a way to rectify problems of the traditional teaching system.
Praxis is the process by which a  theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, practiced, embodied, or realised. It may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas. It has meaning in the political, educational, and spiritual realms. This has been a recurrent topic in the field of philosophy, discussed in the writings of  Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, Karl Marx, Paulo Freire, etc.
 Hegemony is the complete cultural domination of one group by another. In education, this occurs when students from one culture are taught that assimilation into their new culture is the primary goal. 
It is also referred as  the maintenance of domination through consensual social practices, social forms, and social structures produced in specific sites such as schools, mass media, the political system, and the family


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