18 October 2014



Reprography is the reproduction of graphics through mechanical or electrical means. It is the process of reproducing, reprinting, or copying graphic material especially by mechanical, photographic, or electronic means.
It is a collective term, introduced by UNESCO,  for all kinds of processes used for the facsimile reproduction of documents or books.
There are two types of reprographic techniques:

1. Photographic Techniques: In photo graphic technique a powerful light is passed through the original document  and develop an image into a readable copy. 
It includes Direct Contact Method, Contact/Reflex Method, Optical Method etc. (Eg: Photo Stat)

2. Non Photographic Techniques: Here copies of the document should be prepared manually or mechanically.
Manual reproduction includes manual transcription (writing), typewriting, etc. Whereas mechanical reproduction includes offset printing, stencil duplication, etc.

Steps in Organising Reprographic Services:
1. Provide adequate space for reprographic laboratory
2.Ensure availability of necessary reprographic devices and materials
3. Arrange all reprographic devices in proper places
4. Appoint trained specialists as technicians in various services
5. Ensure timely maintenance of all devices

Copyright and Reprography:
Copyright is an exclusive legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work or assignee exclusive rights to print, publish, perform, film, or record it, usually for a limited time.
The first copyright act of India was the Indian Copy Right Act of 1914. The current copyright act enacted as the Indian Copy Right Act of 1957. According to this act the period of copy right is the life time of the author and fifty years after his death


  1. what are the advantages and disadvantages of the techniques used above.

  2. Thanks a lot... this just helped me

  3. Thanks a lot... this just helped me

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