21 January 2012


Communication of the content concerned is very important in the teaching-learning process. This is achieved by selecting the most appropriate media for classroom communication. To select a proper media a number of factors like the objectives of instruction, nature of the subject matter, nature of the child, classroom environment, etc.
A media is a mode of message communication. It enables the learner to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes. It may be a person, a graphics, a narration, an event etc. it may be verbal or visual.
The selection of media is closely related to the selection of instructional methods. Factors like task factors, learner factors, instructional management factors, economic factors, technical factors, administrative factors etc. are very important.
A task means a work assigned for implementation or a piece of work assigned or done as a part of one’s duties. The main elements in the task are organization of groups, utilization of the time available and the use of space in which the media is used. The kind of task and the type of learner are very important.
Organization of group: When the group is large media selected should be suit the size of the group.
Availability of time: The media must be in accordance with the time available. For example- a one hour TV programme is not suitable for a normal class period of 45 minutes.
How to overcome problems related to this factor?
To fix the task properly, the following steps are important:
A.    Preliminary selection: This is made on the basis of type and form of learning such as factual information, visual identification, pronunciations etc.
B.    Check the constraints: Ensure the availability of the hardware, software etc.
C. Check the instructional requirements:
This is one of the most important factors in media selection. The main objective of the learning process is to bring about positive changes in the learner. To meet this point the teacher has to state clearly the observable behavioural changes of the learner including the three domains – cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
According to the individual differences the subject matter should be divided into different categories to suit the needs of the students. Learners can be grouped or regrouped according to the availability of media, interest, ability, achievement, etc.
 The instructional management must satisfy the requirements of the learner by adopting various methods. The role of instructional management is the selection and management of media according to the actual nature and goal of instructions.
If the media is used mostly for formal presentation of information under the control of the teacher, it is called Expository Approach. Film strips, maps, motion pictures, OHP, etc. are examples. If the information would be processed by the students who would be guided by  posing  questions raising issues for which solution have to be arrived at, it is called Enquiry Approach.
The selection of media is not only based on its appropriateness but also the level of sophistication, cost, availability and technical quality.  Cost should be compared with the learning benefits anticipated. In media selection, cost benefit analysis is very important.  The following procedure will help for such selection.
a.     Select and list all the media that helps to attain the desired objectives.
b.     Short list them for instructional effects.
c.      Check the availability of each media.
d.     Select the simplest and least expensive media.
Technical quality is an essential criterion to be maintained in order to get rid of ineffectiveness and poor utility value of the selected media.
Ø Should not use Media with poor technical quality.
Ø Teacher should have sufficient technical knowledge.
Ø (Lack of technical efficiency of the teacher in operating the selected media).
Ø Infrastructural arrangements such as the size of the room, arrangement of the equipments and other facilities.

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