16 January 2012

ICT  IN  HIGHER  EDUCATION                                                      
          The education system around the world are under increasing pressure to use the new information and communication technology (ICT) to enhance the knowledge and skills of the students in the ensuing years of the 21st  century . The 1998 UNESCO  World  Education Report insisted on implementing the ICT immediately in higher education, to pave way for quality education.
               The ICT stimulates the learners acquire quality research through team work,  time management, basic communication and guided instruction.

Electronic communication
               As electronic communication is readily available, the opportunity for students to work with others has been greatly extended. Hence electronic communication becomes a powerful way to revamp the field of research.
Organising Activities for learners through ICT
               Through ICT students can experience various stages of learning, such as critical thinking, problem solving, guided instruction, Textra connect  cooperating learning and group monitoring.

Cooperative Learning
            ICT encourages the cooperative learning through web sites, which provide ready sites for discussions. Cooperative groups are designed and assigned to do the  activities.

ICT and Objectives of Teacher Education
          In the light of integration of ICT in the curriculum of Teacher Education, the objectives of Teacher Education Program include:
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Improving quality of education by adopting a new strata the teaching- learning process. Diversification of content and methods
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Promoting experimentation and innovations
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->Infusion and integration of  information and best practices

Effective Teaching through e – learning
         Communication is Education and Education is knowledge explosion and exploration. Rapid progress in computer technology has invaded the arena of education. Technology has had a significant effect on the Education system for many years.

Need or importance of e learning
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]-->Faster Learning
With e learning students will learn up to twice as much in half the time that they would in classroom teaching. This is because the course progress as fast as the student can without worry for other student or an instruction.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Consistent Instruction
Every instructor has his or her own style, which may not be best for student learning. Some days the instructor is in top form and delivers a great class. Other days he or she may be bored, tired or simply unmotivated. With e learning  the course is software driven and each student receives the same high quality content.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.     <!--[endif]-->Higher Levels of Assessment
Well- designed e learning can increase retention over instructor led – training by up to 40% according to ASTD.  
<!--[if !supportLists]-->4.     <!--[endif]-->Greater Levels of Assessment
With an e learning solution student activity can be tracked down do the finest level. Every students response to quizzes, simulations and exams can be tracked customizable reports.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->5.     <!--[endif]-->No need for a class room
In e learning there are no actual classroom no teachers, no text books, it gives the impression of studying in a classroom.

Role of libraries in e learning
          Libraries are considered to be the heart of education with tuitions. The information needs and urgency in the needed information has made libraries to change rapidly. Digital and virtual libraries, which play an important role in e learning, are fast emerging as an integration of varied technologies like hardware technology, software technology, networking, web technology, networking etc. The availability of massive amounts of information upon the teachers to  change their roles to meet the future demands of the society.

Role of Teachers in  21st century
        The 21st  century is witnessing not only on explosion of knowledge in science and technology but also on explosion of student population both have to work as independent and dependent able variables in the teaching learning. Midway between them lie the intervening variables like the teaching learning situations, facilities and resource for teaching learning.

Manager of Teaching and Learning
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->As a manager the 21st century teacher should be aware of the latest innovations, researchers, and experience in the field of education.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->As a manager the teacher should  posses  effective communication skills to transact communication effectively.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->v <!--[endif]-->As a manager the teacher has to create a congenial environment of internal conflicts among the efforts of the students and other resource of  achieving  the stipulated objectives.

          The teacher has to identify and utilize the appropriate teaching learning strategies, methods, facilities, aids etc.

          Information and communication technology is uniquely placed to generate the quality in higher education. The  full benefit of technology in the educational process is realized only by enhancing the technology skill of  faculty and students, ensuring adequate system support, and providing the funds necessary to build a new academic  framework around the new resource. Available resources can be utilized and implemented in research work to promote the teamwork, global consciousness, self-paced learning,  problem solving and cognitive process. 

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